Znovu nastavujem latku skandinavskych interierov na svojom blogu vyssie, ked uverejnujem tento byt z Goteborgu. Verim, ze ma nenechate samu a pozriete sa na tieto interiery spolu so mnou.
Na jednotlivych fotografiach som oznacila veci, ktore ma uputali a zohriali moje designerske srdiecko ( ospravedlnujem sa vopred, ze som takto narusila fotky, ale kto ich chce najst v povodnej podobe, najde ich aj na mojom ucte na Pintereste alebo na alvhemmakleri ). Kto uz dlhsie sleduje moj blog vie, ze milujem stolicky Eames, ich uz oznacovat nebudem, ale tentokrat ma uputali postery, lampy, nabytok a mnohe dalsie napady, ktore stoja za povsimnutie a prave o nich si myslim, ze dodavaju tomuto interieru sarm a skvelu atmosferu :)
I think that this scandinavian apartment is really lovely and is part of the most stunning apartments on my blog. This flat is situated in Gothebourg and is magical. I believe that you will watch these images with me.
I marked on images the things which had something interesting for me and are lovely for my little designer's heart ( sorry in advance that I marked my notes on images, if you want to see original photos, you can visit my Pinterest or web-site of Alvhemmakleri ). If you follow my blog longer, you know I love some nice design things f.e. Eames chair,....I didn't mark it on these images, I noted the things which grabbed my heart in this flat as the lamps, posters, furniture and a lot of ideas, I think will be nice also for you and give to this flat the charm and nice atmosphere...
Na jednotlivych fotografiach som oznacila veci, ktore ma uputali a zohriali moje designerske srdiecko ( ospravedlnujem sa vopred, ze som takto narusila fotky, ale kto ich chce najst v povodnej podobe, najde ich aj na mojom ucte na Pintereste alebo na alvhemmakleri ). Kto uz dlhsie sleduje moj blog vie, ze milujem stolicky Eames, ich uz oznacovat nebudem, ale tentokrat ma uputali postery, lampy, nabytok a mnohe dalsie napady, ktore stoja za povsimnutie a prave o nich si myslim, ze dodavaju tomuto interieru sarm a skvelu atmosferu :)
I think that this scandinavian apartment is really lovely and is part of the most stunning apartments on my blog. This flat is situated in Gothebourg and is magical. I believe that you will watch these images with me.
I marked on images the things which had something interesting for me and are lovely for my little designer's heart ( sorry in advance that I marked my notes on images, if you want to see original photos, you can visit my Pinterest or web-site of Alvhemmakleri ). If you follow my blog longer, you know I love some nice design things f.e. Eames chair,....I didn't mark it on these images, I noted the things which grabbed my heart in this flat as the lamps, posters, furniture and a lot of ideas, I think will be nice also for you and give to this flat the charm and nice atmosphere...
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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