...no akoby to bolo, keby na mojom blogu chybal skandinavsky byt, v ktorom sa vyskytuju ako material moje oblubene tehly a ako inak, je v realitnej kancelarii Stadshem v ponuke na predaj, .....ak by som hladala byt v Goteborgu, tak nevaham ani sekundu...:)
zas a znova som oznacila na niekolkych fotografiach veci, ktore ma uputali a ktore su priam fantasticke, ako som spomenula, ze sa mi v tomto byte pacia tehly, tak urcite aj geometricke tvary na vankusoch,
vyhodou celeho bytu je kuchyna spojena s obyvacou izbou, kde by som vsak volila ine osvetlenie, mne osobne tam chyba dominantny luster nad jedalenskym stolom, ale je fajn rozdelenie izby na jednotlive zony, ......no ale pre mna je takou milou izbou prave spalna, uz len pre jej architekturu a samozrejme aj pre samotnu atmosferu....
...of course, I love the bricks as a material in scandinavian apartments and for that I have to post this lovely swedish flat from Gothebourg. This flat is for sale in Real Estate Agency Stadshem, if I look for any flat in Gothebourg I would not hesitate more...:)
I marked again some interesting, nice things on images which are more than fantastic. I have already noticed that I like the bricks in this flat but I adore another feature and it is geometric shapes on the pillows. It looks stunning....
an advantage of whole apartment is the kitchen open to the living room, this space is lovely but I would chose different lights....
but the cutiest room of this flat for me is the bedroom, it is interesting for me thanks to architecture and of course thanks to atmosphere...
Images via Stadshem
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