...toto je naozaj radost pozerat, elegantny byt s vysoky stropom a samozrejme aj krasnymi dvermi, ci su to klasicke jednokridlove alebo posuvne dovjkridlove,
v kazdom pripade z kazdej miestnosti a z kazdeho kuta tohto bytu vyviera pokoj, ktory sa samozrejme siri vdaka dobre premyslenemu designu, farbam ( ci uz na stenach alebo na nabytku ), ci dekoraciam a samotnemu textilu...
...this flat is really lovely with high ceiling and nice classic or sliding door and it is big pleasure to watch it...
in any case we can see in each room, in each corner pleasant atmosphere which is present here thanks to interior design, colors ( on the walls and on the furniture too ), decorations and textile...
I love the floor, older look of furniture, lamps and styling....:)
Images via Bo-laget
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