...kazda budova, vacsia garaz alebo skladisko ma v sebe uzasnu atmosferu a je fajn, ked sa na nieco moze vyuzit a nestoji len tak uzavreta a prazdna......... pre architektov a designerov su taketo budovy doslova lahodkou a musim povedat, ze aj mne sa pacia a je naozaj radost ich zariadovat,
nizsie uvedene obrazky su toho jasnym dokazom :)
Prajem krasny pondelok a vela energie do pracovneho alebo skolskeho tyzdna!
Lucia Albertine
...every building, bigger warehouse or garage have amazing architecture and it is perfect when team of architectures can create nice art with these buildings. I have to say that this type of buildings is very favourite for architects or designers and I love it too...
The images below are absolutely fantastic :)
Have a nice Monday and a lot of energy for start of working and school's week!
Lucia Albertine
Restaurant in Brooklyn
Gallery in LA
Gym in Seattle
AA Studion in Brooklyn
Gallery in NY
Images via Interior Design Magazine
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