...nie kazdemu sa postasti byvat hned vo velkom byte a tu je ukazka toho, ako sa da existovat v bunke na 8 m2 v Manhattane Upper West side v New Yorku, je tam vsetko ...kupelna aj miesto na spanie, ci na pracu :)..da sa naozaj vsetko pekne zariadit ....
Prajem uspesny start pracovneho tyzdna!
Lucia Albertine
...no all have lucky lives in a bigger apartment and this is lovely video how it is possible to exist in 8m2,, we can find there absolutely all...the bathroom, the place for sleeping and for working...it is really amazing place in Manhattans Upper West side in New York with lovely view on Central Park...
Have a successful start of new working week!
Lucia Albertine
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