...kazdy z nas by chcel byvat v krasnom prostredi, ktore vyhovuje Vam a Vasej rodine, niekto ma stastie a sen sa mu stane skutocnostou a niekto zas nema na vyber...
skandinavska firma VIPP ponuka dom z ocelovych konstrukcii, ktory je schopny dodat do pol roka, jedinou podmienkou je pozemok, na ktorom bude dom stat. Dom sa sklada z kuchyne, jedalne, spalne a kupelne...v kazdom pripade je to velmi zaujimavy projekt z viacerych hladisk a to, ze design domu a aj interieru je super prepracovany a potom mat moznost byvat v skandinavskej prirode...hm..nedala by som sa 3x prehovarat:)
...I believe everyone of us wants to live in nice environment which is nice for you and your family, someone of us has the chance and the dream becames a reality and someone has no choice...
scandinavian company VIPP offers the house of steel construction, the production of the house is 6 months, one requirement is estate for the house. The house has the kitchen, dining room, the bedroom and the bathroom with nice and perfect design, so why not to live in scandinavian nature? :)
Images via Bobedre
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