...no a pokracujeme v dalsej navsteve krasneho svedskeho interieru z dielne realitnej kancelarie Fastighetsbyran,
je to byt na predaj a po zhliadnuti fotiek si myslim, ze v ponuke dlho nepobudne :)
je tu zvolena krasna farebna schema, byt posobi velmi prijemne, spalna je naozaj uzasna ako aj obyvacia izba, mozeme tu vidiet nadherny nabytok, koberec s geometrickym tvarom, ktory len interier ozivuje...
je to nadherny byt s nordickym feelingom :)
...so we can continue with another nice swedish interior from the Real Estate Agency Fastighetsbyran,
this apartment is for sale and I think won't be in this offer long time :)
I live this space for nice color scheme, friendly look and fresh air....the bedroom is amazing and living room too, we can see here nice furniture, the carpet with geometric shapes which refresh whole room..
it is stunning apartment with nordic feeling :)
Images via Fastighetsbyran
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