....kedze vcera sme zacali riesit pri prestavbe kuchyne jej osvetlenie, dnes nam mozno pridu vhod aj dalsie napady, ktore nam sprijemnia varenie, pecenie alebo orientaciu v kuchyni :)
Kazdy, kto rad vari a tym padom sa aj castejsie po kuchyni pohybuje, urcite rad uvita organizovany poriadok. Je jasne, ze pocas varenia nemame cas hladat, kde mame napriklad korenie alebo hrnce :) Je fajn mat vsetko na jednom mieste, na poriadku... v dnesnom poste najdete napriklad tipy na skryty smetny kos, tip na dve umyvadla ( ja by som ich urcite, lebo akurat vtedy, ked pri vareni potrebujem ist nieco umyt, sa mi pred tym nasim postavi manzel a tvari sa, ze umyvadlo potrebuje tiez )....
...when we started yesterday to change or reorganize our kitchen, we can continue with it in this post too.
I believe that someone to welcome ideas which can help to us in the kitchen...
Everyone who loves to cook and is very often in the kitchen ....needs to have all things on the place. We have not time to look for where we have the pots or spices :).....You can find in this post very useful ideas for your kitchen f.e.hidden trash can, to have 2 sinks is advantage ( for me yes because when I need something to do in our sink, my husband needs it too....)
Images via Skona hem
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