...kto z Vas si potrebuje najst svoj styl alebo zmenit, ci usporiadat nanovo obyvaciu izbu, tieto uzasne inspiracie uvedene nizsie su pre Vas ako vysite....su krasne, s uzasnym stylom, vkusom a eleganciou a moja top obyvacia izba sa nachadza na prvom obrazku, interier s industrialnym nadychom, minimalisticky so skvelou podlahou a fotografiou ( alebo posterom ) na stene...
...if you need to find your style, change or reorganize your living room, these inspirations below are for you and are more than amazing....every photo is arranged with nice style and elegancy and my favourite living room is on the first image. It is the interior with an industrial air, minimalist with great floor and photo ( poster ) on the wall....
Images via Madbolig
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