....na dnes ma zo skandinavskej oblasti zaujal tento mensi byt, ale o to je zaujimavejsi :)
ma neskutocne vela dobrych napadov a kazda jedna izba je viac ako prijemna....
na mna zaposobil kvalitnou podlahou, super postermi, materialmi, policovym systemom, dekoraciami a farbami...
je naozaj na co sa pozerat a aj inspirovat :)
...I have chosen for today this nice swedish apartment, is smaller but more interesting...:)
the interior has a lot of nice ideas and each room is full of great energy and atmosphere...
I love the floor with high quality, nice posters ( especially above the sofa ), the decorations, shelving system, materials and colors...it is really lovely apartment and nice for your inspirations...
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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