Mam taky pocit, ze sa asi nikdy nenabazim skandinavskej elegancie, po zhliadnuti tohto bytu zostavam jej vernou fanynkou :)
je jasne, ze tento byt tazi z dobreho dispozicneho riesenia a samozrejme aj z toho, ze je dostatocne svetly, aj ked je jasne, ze obyvatelia bytu musia vyuzit aj umele osvetlenie...
moje srdce sa potesilo zas a znova krasnej, bielej drevenej podlahe, kuchyni, ktora je viac ako zaujimava, uz len tym, ze je tam skvely, dominanty, skladaci jedalensky stol a co mam rada, miesto na lenosenie pod oknom :)
pohlad, ktory stoji za to je aj do obyvacej miestnosti, kde ma ako aj v celom byte potesila farebna skala, nabytok, dominantna stolicka a samozrejme postery, tie musia byt :)
I think that I will love scandinavian elegance forever. When i saw this apartment with 49 square metres I will stay the fan of it :)
this flat has nice layout and perfect atmosphere....
I was happy to see lovely white wooden floor, then kitchen which is really fantastic and interesting thanks to lovely wooden folding table and I love so much relaxing place under the window :)
another room which is stunning is living room, I love color combination here and in whole apartment, the furniture, dominant chair and of course the posters bcs the posters must be there :)
Images via Stadshem
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