....hovorim si po zhliadnuti tohto bytu, ze by som chcela cele zariadenie tohto bytu preniest do mojho...
nuz je fantasticke a stylove...no zacali by sme taku mensiu prehliadku od kuchyne,ktoru 100% ozivili farebnymi rozlicnymi stolickami a samozrejme aj lustrom nad stolom, vstupna chodba je sice mala, ale uzasna a napadita :)
milujem takyto styl nabytku, ci uz ten v detskej izbe alebo aj ten super kusok akym je konferencny stolik v obyvacej izbe...
nuz, ako inak, dalsi pekny byt v Stockholme :)
nuz je fantasticke a stylove...no zacali by sme taku mensiu prehliadku od kuchyne,ktoru 100% ozivili farebnymi rozlicnymi stolickami a samozrejme aj lustrom nad stolom, vstupna chodba je sice mala, ale uzasna a napadita :)
milujem takyto styl nabytku, ci uz ten v detskej izbe alebo aj ten super kusok akym je konferencny stolik v obyvacej izbe...
nuz, ako inak, dalsi pekny byt v Stockholme :)
...when I saw this flat I said...I want all these pieces of furniture in my flat....
this space is fantastic and stylish...so we can start to watch this flat from the kitchen :)
I love this way of decoration and freshing the interior with different chairs with different colors. It looks interesting and with the lamp above the table looks nicier, the hallway is small but lovely thanks to some ideas :)
I like this style of furniture, we can see nice pieces in the kids room and nice table in the living room ...
yes, it is clear, this flat is another nice flat in Stockholm :)
this space is fantastic and stylish...so we can start to watch this flat from the kitchen :)
I love this way of decoration and freshing the interior with different chairs with different colors. It looks interesting and with the lamp above the table looks nicier, the hallway is small but lovely thanks to some ideas :)
I like this style of furniture, we can see nice pieces in the kids room and nice table in the living room ...
yes, it is clear, this flat is another nice flat in Stockholm :)
Images via Fastighetsbyran
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