...ked som zbadala tuto stolicku, tak som si ju okamzite zamilovala...prave tento typ VISU chair od finskeho designera Mika Tolvanena ma dokazal hned ocarit....jednoducho sa musi uznat, stolicka vyzera viac ako uzasne nielen v interieroch nizsie uvedenych, ale pevne verim, ze aj v ostatnych ( v nasom byte by sa vynimala na 100% pekne ) :)...
Prajem prijemny vikend!
Lucia Albertine
...when I saw this chair I fallen in love with it...this type of VISU chair from finnish designer Mika Tolvanen is absolutely stunning and magical....I have to say, this chair looks perfectly in the interiors below and I believe that this chair looks amazing in each interior ( in my flat this chair will be absolutely nice ) :)
Have a nice weekend!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Google
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