...je to naozaj uzasny nabytok, ktory posobi elegantne a zaujimavo...
...tato Bold One Collection je krasna tym, ze si ju mozete vystavat ako chcete, pouzit v home office alebo v kancelariach, v podnikoch...:)
...musim povedat, ze v kancelariach s nabytkom od Bold by sa robilo jedna radost :)
...it is amazing furniture...Bold furniture looks elegant, stylish and interesting...
...this Bold One Collection is fantastic for one fact, you can place it how you want, where you want and you can use for home office or offices....:)
...I have to say that it is pleasure to work in the office with Bold One Collection....
...I have to say that it is pleasure to work in the office with Bold One Collection....
Images via Interior Design
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