...tak toto uzasne miesto ma na svedomi Clive Wilkinson....je to miesto firmy Fox Office v Irvine v Californii...
...musim povedat, ze ako interier, tak aj exterier firmy je viac ako uzasny...
nesmierne sa mi paci, ze designer pouzil krasne farby, tym padom su priestory svieze a na sportovu firmu je to viac ako dobre....a takisto pouzil aj materialy vdaka ktorym je firma zaujimava....
...this space is Fox head office in Irvine, California....
I have to say that this interior and this exterior are fabulous....I love how Clive used lovely colors, the interior looks fresher and I mean for sport firm is good...
designer used nice materials too and thanks to these materials firm looks more interesting for all ....
Images via Interior Design
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