...znovu siaham po velmi zaujimavom, sviezom skandinavskom interieri...tento byt patri ku tym mensim, ale rozhodne na to vobec nevyzera uz len preto, ze priestor je velmi krasne vyuzity...
byt ma sice jednu izbu, ale to vobec jeho krase neubera, prave naopak.....su tu uzasne kusky nabytku, zaujimava kuchyna, lampa nad gaucom, no a samozrejme nesmiem vynechat ani krasnu bielu, drevenu podlahu...
svieza zlta farba bola pouzita aj na chodbe, kde skryla satnik :)
I would like to show you again one really nice and fresh scandinavian apartment...it is smaller but nice :)
I think that the space was used nicely and well...
this flat has only one room but never mind...we can see here very nice pieces of furniture, interesting kitchen, the lamp above the sofa and wonderful white wooden floor...
fresh yellow color was used also on the hallway on the wall where is the place for clothes...
Images via Eliases
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