...ked som zbadala tento byt, hned som ho musela na svojom blogu uverejnit, milujem takyto typ, ktory je zaujimavym nielen svojim interierom, ale aj architekturou a na tu su skandinavske domy a byty naozaj bohate....
samozrejme vobec nesklamali moje oblubene tramy a tehly, ktore navodzuju skvelu atmosferu a nechavaju nas cakat, ako sa bude interier vyvijat dalej...
nesklamali rovnako ani zaujimave schody, ktore vedu na poschodie, kde sa ukazuje naozaj dobry napad na oddychovy, relaxacny kutik...
musim sa zastavit aj pri uzasnej kuchyni spojenej so skvelym jedalenskym kutom...
...takisto spalna je krasna a pozornost musi zaujat hlavne kvoli dveram na satniku...
tehly nas sprevadzaju po celom interieri, nevynimajuc detsku izbu a kupelnu, z ktorej fakt nemozem :)
...je to vazne krasny a zaujimavy byt, ktory sa nachadza v Stockholme
...when I saw this fabulous apartment which is from Stockholm I wanted to post it on m blog...I love this style, the interior's design and the architecture too....
my favourite beams and bricks give beautiful atmospher to whole space...
we can see perfect stairs which reveal nice relaxing corner....
and what about the kitchen? I think is perfect and amazing and is connected with great dining corner...
...the bedroom is wonderful and the door of wardrobe stunning
the bricks are in whole apartment, please notice nice kids room and the bathrom which is so but so lovely :)...
Images via HusmanHagberg
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