...tento uzasny interier sa nachadza v San Franciscu a naozaj je velmi zaujimavy hlavne, co sa tyka farieb a pouzitych materialov...
tak podme pekne poporiadku...cely priestor je krasne prepojeny a pritom sa jednotlive zony vobec nebiju ani nerusia,
co sa tyka obyvacej izby, tak na prvy pohlad zaujme moja oblubena Eero Aarnia vysiaca stolicka, je vazne cool :) samozrejme zaujme aj architekturou, ako aj cely byt....
kuchyna, ktora je spojena s obyvacou castou je fantasticka, mne sa neskutocne paci napad s kuchynskym ostrovcekom ako aj podlaha z betonu...
dobrym napadom je aj hracia miestnost pre velkych, nuz chlapska cast bytu sa vo volnych chvilach moze venovat napr. biliardu...
no a nakoniec som si nechala kupelnu, ten fantasticky vyhlad z vane musi naozaj stat za to...:)
this amazing interior is located in San Francisco and it is very interesting thanks to colors and architecture...
so let's go to see more.....whole space is connected nicely, each zone in the apartment is separate well ...
and what about the living room? this space is fantastic for me, I love the colors, materials and especially Eero Aarnio hanging chair which is absolutely amazing....
the kitchen which is connected with living area is wonderful place and the idea with island is no.1 with concrete floor for me...
good idea is also play room with Norman Cherner stools...
and finally the bathroom which is stunning with perfect view :)
Images via Interior design
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