...na dnesny den som Vam vybrala velmi zaujimavy byt, ktory zaujme na prvy pohlad...
...je to svedsky byt, ktory je uzasny hned od kuchynskeho kutika, cez obyvaciu cast s jedalenskym kutikom a potom je tu spalna, ktora je velmi, ale velmi zaujimava, na sirku je sice kratsia, ale o to skvelo zariadena a ten satnik jednoducho nema chybu...
zastavit sa musime aj v obyvacej casti, kde su uzasne jedalenske stolicky, postery, kde mozeme najst geometricke tvary, ako na koberci, tak aj na vankusoch :)..no a ta Kahler vaza jednoducho nema chybu...
...I would like to show you one nice scandinavian apartment which is very interesting...
this swedish apartment is amazing from kitchen corner throught living room and the bedroom...oh really this room is very nice, I love it for nice wardrobe :)
and what about living room? the dining chairs are fabulous, I adore the posters, geometric shapes on the pillows and carpet :)....and one thing more...Kahler vase is wonderful :)
Images via Bosthlm
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