...no a zas tu mame byt v realitnej kancelarii, o ktorom si myslim, ze v ponuke na predaj dlho nepobudne :)
ja by som si ho urcite kupila, len pre nas by chybala este jedna izba navyse, ale kto tu izbu nepotrebuje, tak je to v poho,
mne zaimponovali tehly, farebna skala a samozrejme elegancia, stylovost a hravost celeho designu,
neda sa tu vypisat, co stoji za povsimnutie, lebo je toho fakt vela, tak si radsej vsimnite vsetko :)
zakladom dobreho designu su urcite postery, tu treba samozrejme mat dobru ruku na vyber a ich rozmiestnenie po izbach, tu je to zvladnute krasne...
take dobre kusky ako IKEA koberec, Eames stolicky, super polickovy system v obyvacke, krasne obliecky na vankuse su len ikonou kazdeho interieru a tu je radost sa pozerat na cely interier :)
ooo a ozaj, za povsimnutie stoji osvetlenie a to policoveho systemu :), kuchynskej linky ( horne osvetlenie ), nadherny luster v spalni...
...and we have again one nice swedish apartment from Real Estate Agency Stadshem and I think this flat will be sell extremly quickly :)
I would like to have the same but with one room more :)
I adore the bricks, color scheme and of course elegance, stylish and beauty of whole design...
importat part of good design are posters, what you need is good hand for nice choice and then place them in each room, we can see here absolutely lovely posters....
it is pleasure to see nice pieces of decorations and furniture as IKEA ' carpet, Eames chairs, shelving system in the living room, nice pillowcases...
ohhh yes, one more thing....please notice nice lighting of shelving system, upper part of kitchen unit and nice chandelier in the bedroom...
Images via Stadshem
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