....tak tento hotel by som naozaj chcela vidiet na vlastne oci...nachadza sa v Cine... interier je uzasny, zaujimavy, pouzite su skvele materialy a aj farebne kombinacie..... verim, ze je prijemne tu nejaky ten cas pobudnut :)
mne sa neskutocne paci riesenie kupelne v izbe a takisto exterier :)
Prajem krasnu nedelu!
Lucia Albertine
...I would like to see and visit this hotel...is located in China...the interior is amazing and interesting, used materials are perfect and color are lovely...I believe that living is really pleasant and comfortable...
I love so much the placement of bathroom in the hotel's room and the hallways...
Have a nice Sunday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Interior Design
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