Innocean Worldwide Corporation vo Frankfurte siahlo po sluzbach designerskej firmy Ippolito Fleitz Group a naozaj velmi dobre urobili...
kazda jedna miestnost od recepcie cez kancelarie, meeting roomy su viac ako zaujimave, hrave, napadite...jednoducho krasa ...vyber nabytku je jednoducho genialny, pretoze napriklad stolicky od Vernera Pantona kazdemu interieru len a len pomozu :)
Innocean Worldwide Corporation in Frankfurt changed the space of his firm and thanks to designer's firm Ippolito Fleitz Group the interiors look very nice and more interesting...
each room as reception, meeting room, offices are full of nice ideas and are beautiful...absolutely interesting...
choice of furniture is stunning because the chairs of Verner Panton are nice in each interior....
choice of furniture is stunning because the chairs of Verner Panton are nice in each interior....
Images via Interior Design
Photos by Robert Hoerning
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