...tento zaujimavy svedsky byt jednoznacne patri ku tym, ktory vyrazi dych svojim designom a uzasnym stylom...
...uz len tym, ze sa siahlo po tychto farbach, ktore idu ruka v ruke s dekoracnymi vankusmi s geometrickym vzorom, navodzuju atmosferu, ze nuda tu vobec nebude :)
kazda jedna izba je viac ako utulna, svetla a teda, kludne mozeme zacat od spalne...nachadza sa tu velmi zaujimavy krb, ktory dodava celej izbe eleganciu, ako aj ostatne dekoracie, ci samotny nabytok...
...zo spalne sa dostavame do obyvacej miestnosti, ktora nikoho nenecha na pochybam, ze sa nachadza v byte, kde domaci maju uzasny styl...obe sofy su absolutne uzasne, tak ako dekoracie v tejto izbe...
rozhodne zaujme aj home office a kuchyna :)
....this is really very interesting swedish apartmnet which grab the attention thanks to lovely design and amazing style...
...the first step of pleasant atmosphere and successful design is correct choice of colors...the choice of colors in this flat is more than nice and right...and with nice decorations evoke the impression that this flat won't be boring :)
each room is very nice and cozy...the bedroom is really wonderful because there is stunning fireplace, nice pillows with geometric shapes and nice furniture....
we find nice furniture also in the living room, the sofas are very nice pieces, the tables and dining corner with Eames chairs too....
of course, home office and kitchen are perfect too....
Images via Lundin
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