...tento skvely bar sa nachadza na Ukrajine, je vazne skvely....
...industrialny styl dobre pozdvihuje cely priestor a dava mu konecny smrnc :)
no a samozrejme design je uzasny, ako materialy, tak aj nabytok a doplnky su zvolene viac ako dobre, takze tu sa neda nic ine napisat, len a len WOW :)
Prajem krasnny piatok!
Lucia Albertine
...this great Burger bar is located in Ukraine, Kiev and is absolutely great :)
whole interior is absolutely great thanks to industrial style...:)
design is fantastic and chic, the furniture, materials and accessories are chosen nicely...so I can write only WOW ... this space is perfect :)
Have a nice Friday!
Lucia Albertine
Images via Behance
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