...tak toto miesto si musi zamilovat snad kazdy milovnik interierovho designu....
tato nadhera sa nachadza v Antverpach v Belgicku....restauracia Jane sidli v kaplnke byvalej vojenskej nemocnice, ale doslo ku rekonstrukcii a vysledok stoji naozaj za to...
....istotne mi date za pravdu, ze kazdeho uputa luster a niet sa comu ani cudovat, pretoze tento nadherny designovy kus sa nevidi denno - denne :) je vazne krasny ...
samozrejme v interieri svoje spravia aj okna s vitrazami, plafon, ktory ma svoje caro...
urcite je zazitok prist sem na veceru...stoji to za to :)
...this place is absolutely fantastic and I believe that everyone has to love it :)
this beauty is located in Antwerp, in Belgium....the restaurant Jane is in chapel of military hospital but after reconstruction this wonderful place is ready for this nice restaurant...
...I think everybody notices stunning chandelier and it is true...it is unbelievable design's piece...WOW...
of course, the stained glass windows are interesting too and look perfect in this interior, the ceiling is magical....
it is really experience to visit this place for nice evening ....
Images via thedpages.com
photos by Richard Powers
Piet Boon Studio
Eric Kleinberg
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