Tato kaviaren / jedalen bola vytvorena v priestoroch jednej webovej firmy v San Franciscu.....samotna firma iniciovala vznik tejto kaviarne pre potreby svojich zamestnancov, kedze chceli dosiahnut, aby sa zamestnanci spolu stretavali na ranajky, ci obed a spolocnu kavu.....no musim povedat, ze v takychto priestoroch je naozaj radost sa stretavat a aj travit nejaky ten cas....Studio O + A vytvorila krasny priestor.....nadhera...
This cafe / cafeteria was created in the space of web firm with 700 employees in San Francisco...this firm wanted this cafe for breakfast, lunch and coffee break of employees and I have to say it is great to spend the time in this wonderful space.....the design of cafe is fabulous...it is really nice work of Studio O + A....wonderful...
Images via Interior Design
Photography by Jasper Sanidad
Photography by Jasper Sanidad
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