....myslim, ze tento rozlohou mensi skandinavsky byt zaujme naozaj kazdeho...
mna dostal svojou jednoduchostou, sviezostou, postermi a minimalizmom....
stredobodom celeho bytu je obyvacia izba spolu s jedalenskym kutom, neskutocne je dobre zvolena biela farba priestoru spolu s drevom a so zlatymi dekoraciami....
zaroven v elegantnej jednoduchosti je velmi dobre zariadena aj spalna, biela so sedou posobi pokojne, je velmi vhodna do spalne :)
...I think that this smaller scandinavian apartment is interesting for everyone...
I love it for simplicity, freshness, posters and minimalism...
the centre of the flat is the living room with cute dining corner, the white color is chosen nicely with the wood and gold furniture and decorations...
another room which I love is the bedroom ....the color combination of white and grey looks pleasant and is great for this room :)
Images via Vision
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