...tak a tu mame dalsi skandinavsky dom, ktory nas presvedci o tom, ze styl na severe Europy patri k tym najkrajsim..:)
...tentokrat som siahla po danskom interieri a atmosfera tohto domu je priam fantasticka, svieza a svetla...
jednym z prvkov, ktore si pri vybere interierov vsimam a ktore ma presvedcia ho uverejnit na blogu je architektura...
tento dom patri ku tym zaujimavejsim, interier nas bavi, je radost pozerat ako na prizemie, tak aj na poschodie...
moje srdiecko potesilo vyber materialov, jedalensky stol, podlaha a samozrejme postery, ktore osviezili cely priestor....
...so we have here another scandinavian house which has to be on my blog...
I have chosen danish house for today, I love unbelievable fresh, fantastic atmosphere full of light...
one of thing which I notice is the architecture and this one is absolutely perfect...
this house is very fabulous, the interior is not boring and I like the ground floor and upstairs too...
my heart is happy for nice choice of materials, dining table, floor and of course...the posters...
Images via Femina
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