....tento skandinavsky dom je pre mna uzasny, fantasticky tak ako exterierovo, tak aj interier v nijakom pripade nezaostava :)
je vidno, ze je to postarsi dom, ale v ziadnom pripade nestratil svoj smrnc a styl....
mna fascinovali materialy, ktore mozeme v dome najst a hlavne som sa pozastavila nad kupelnou, ktora je famozna :) a potesili ma zarovne aj industrialne prvky, ci v nabytku alebo aj v dekoraciach...:)
...this scandinavian house is amazing, fantastic...I love the exterior and the interior as well...
it is older house but has nice style and is chic :)
I adore so much the material which we can find here especially in the bathroom....this room is fabulous...I like industrial features as in furniture and in decorations....
Images via Mad Bolig
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