...jednoduche, male, svedske byty mi tak ucarovali, ze som musela uverejnit tento byt na mojom blogu...
svojou architekturou je naozaj velmi zaujimavy a umiestnenie postele je dobre vyriesene...
...uputa hned na zaciatku kuchynou a jedalenskym kutom no a samozrejme tehlovou stenou, vdaka ktorej cely byt vyzera chic :)
priestorove usporiadanie je vyriesene velmi dobre a byt ma krasnu otvorenu atmosferu :)
...I love so much small, simple swedish apartments and this one is absolutely amazing and I had to post it on my blog today...
the architecture is lovely and interesting and I like the place of the bed...
this flat is interesting thanks to nice kitchen, dining area and brick wall...:)
spatial arrangement is solved nicely and the open atmosphere is so stunning...
Images via Erik Olsson
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