....na zaver pracovneho tyzdna Vam prinasam velmi zaujimavy svedsky byt, ktory sa rozklada na 47m2...
...ma uzasnu atmosferu, mozeme v nom najst krasne prvky, materialy a dekoracie, takze potesi nejedno nase srdiecko a oko :)
...mna samozrejme uputala kuchyna, jednak preto, lebo tu mozeme vidiet tehlovu stenu a ciernu stenu, cize pre mna uplne uzas, ale z druhej strane je zaujimava a ma dobre umiestnenie v byte :)
uchvatny je pre mna aj jedalensky kutik, lampa a jedalenske stolicky...
co sa tyka spalne, pacia sa mi byty, kde sa nachadza okno z izby do izby ako tu, videla som uz viacere a velmi sa mi to paci :)
for the end of working week I would like to show you really nice small swedish apartment which has 47 square meters ....
this flat has great atmosphere, we can find here nice design's features, materials and decorations...
I love so much the kitchen for some reasons....I like brick and black walls and other fact is the placement of the kitchen in the flat ...
the dining corner with dining chairs and lamps above the table is fabulous....
the bedroom is nice and interesting because I love the ideas of windows between two rooms....I think it is fantastic thing in each interior like this one :)
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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