...tak toto musi bavit naozaj kazdeho :)
...tato talianska vila sa nachadza v Toskansku a ma uzasny industrialny styl...architektura je krasna a hodi sa do prostredia...
kedze exterier priamo napoveda, ze interier je famozny, tak preco si ho nepozriet ? :)
...a je tomu naozaj tak ...tento industrialny look ja mozem kazdy den, podlaha, drevo, nabytok...to je vsetko nadhera, staci len poprezerat :)
...I think everyone has to love this villa :)
...it is located in Italia and has wonderful industrial style ....the architecture is fantastic and is nice for this exterior...
... and what about the interior?...
absolutely cool....I can this industrial style every day,...the floor, wood, furniture is ...WOW...so have a look on the images below :)
Images via mad&bolig
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