...styl, elegancia, vynikajuce svetlo v este krajsom priestore....
...myslim, ze tieto slova krasne vystihuju tento byt, ktory sa nachadza v ponuke na predaj realitnej kancelarii Alvhemmakleri...
byt je vazne krasny, dobre su vyuzite priestranne izby a obyvacia izba spolu so spalnou su neskutocne :)
polickovy system spolu so stolikom od HAY su famozne, aj ked koberec nie je podla mojho "gusta" :), ale u mna to vsetko zachranuju obrazy a fotky...
samozrejme v byte nechybaju geometricke tvary, takze je radost pozerat na tento svedsky interier :)
...I think that the words as nice style, elegance, perfect light in stunning interior are available for this swedish apartment which is located in Gotheborg...
the flat is really nice, spacious rooms are furnished well and the living room with the bedroom are unbelievable :)
I love shelving system and table of HAY in living room but the carpet is not my love :) never mind because I have discovered another great things ....the pictures are lovely...
of course, geometric shapes don't miss in the apartment and I can say it is big pleasure to watch the images of this swedish flat :)
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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