...tento nadherny dom je po renovacii, kedze bolo potrebne zmenit priestor na otvoreny a ovela viac pohodlny pre mladu rodinu s ich prvym dietatkom...
...dom sa nachadza so svojimi 75m2 v zapadnej Australii a je v pohodlnom japonskom style...
...je to krasa, pouzila sa tu preglejka, drevo, flexibilny nabytok, ktory velmi vyhovuje mladym ludom uz len preto, ak potrebuju nieco zakryt pred pohladom hosti :)
...design je uzasny, svetly a velmi prijemny...
...this beautiful house is after renovation beacuse it was necessary to change the interior for open comfortable space of young family with their first child :)
...the house with 75 square metres is located in Australia and is in comfortable japanese style...
...it is beauty, we can see here plywood, wood, flexible furniture which is very suitable for young people ...
...design is perfect, light and pleasant...
Images via Home Designing
Architect Clare Cousins Architects
Photos by Lisbeth Grosmann
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