...tieto nadherne priestory patria firme Hotel Tonight, ktora sa zaobera objednavanim, rezervovanim hotelovych izieb na poslednu chvilu za nizke ceny.....ale, co sa tyka ich priestorov, tak tie su priam famozne....
kancelarie sa nachadzaju v San Franciscu a za design zodpoveda firma Studio Hatch a teda tu musim povedat, ze sa prace chytili, tak ako sa patri, je radost pozerat, ci uz priamo na kancelarske priestory alebo na relaxacne zony....krasa :)
...these fabulous spaces are located in San Francisco and Hotel Tonight uses this interior...it is firm which booked hotel's rooms for discounted prices for their clients... but what is very important are lovely offices...
the firm Studio Hatch is responsible for design and I have to say design is more than perfect....is absolutely lovely...I love it....not only offices but also relax zones...beautiful :)
Images via officelovin
Design: Studio Hatch
Architecture: Gensler
Photos by Eva Kolenko
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