..tato restauracia s prijemnou atmosferou sa nachadza na Mallorke a je viac ako uzasna....
...je to male miesto, kde sa da dobre najest a posediet....
...pre mna je zaujimava svojou architekturou a designom....materialy, ktore su tu pouzite su fascinujuce a samozrejme samotny kamen sa nezaprie....
...urcite je to miesto, ktore stoji za navstevu uz len pre jeho samotne caro :)
Prajem Vam uspesny start do noveho pracovneho tyzdna a krasny, slnecny den!
Lucia Albertine
...this cafe with pleasant atmosphere is located in Mallorca and is more than amazing....
it is small cute place which is good and nice with his offer of meal :)
...I love so much the architecture and interior design.....the materials are fascinating and .....of course....the stone is lovely building material which I love so much....
certainly...this cafe is wonderful magic...
Have a nice start to the new working week and Have a sunny day!
Lucia Albertine
Images yellowtrace.com
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