...tento nadherny dom v nadhernej prirode sa nachadza v USA a vznikol v spolupraci Michael P Johnson a Stuart Parr Design...
...samozrejme to prave orechove dostal tento dom aj vdaka sklennym stenam a velkym oknam :) a tym sa svetlo krasne dostalo do interieru a vytvara krasnu atmosferu...
...tu je miesto na poukazanie, ze ako je velmi dobre zvladnuta architektura, tak nijako nezaostava ani interierovy design...je naozaj na co sa pozerat :)
...this house in wonderful nature is absolutely fantastic...is located in United States and collaboration of Michael P Johnson and Stuart Parr Design is fabulous....
...of course...this house is lovely and interesting thanks to glass walls and big windows because the light creates fantastic atmosphere in every room...
I believe that everybody agrees with one fact...the architecture and interior design is perfect :)
Images via Home Dsgn
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