...tento uzasny dom sa nachadza vo Vietname a stoji naozaj za nahliadnutie...
...terasa navodzuje super atmosferu a pocit, ze nas caka nieco velkolepe a je tomu naozaj aj tak :)
...obyvacia izba je fantasticka s kuskami ako sofa a konferencny stolik ...krasa ...dalsim klenotom je aj jedalensky stol a ten musim povedat bol vazne dobrym vyberom do tohto priestoru...
...ja neskutocne ocenujem nadherny priestor, vzdusnost a eleganciu, takze AHL architects associates zanechali za sebou nadhernu pracu....
...this amazing house is located in Vietnam and is really lovely...
the terrace gives us the impression that the house will be something special and it is true :)
the living room is fantastic with nice sofa and coffee table...wonderful...another treasure is also dining table...it is nice choice for this space....
....I love this house, whole interior, airiness and elegance.....the firm AHL architects associates did perfect job :)
Images via HomeDsgn
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