...japonske designove studio Suppose Design Office vytvorilo zo skladu na pobrezi mora uzasny hotelovy komplex....naozaj radost pozerat, interier je uchvatny...ale podme od zaciatku...
...komplex sa nachadza v Japonsku a ma uzasnu polohu, rekonstrukcia bola zverena do ruk skusenej firmy, takze vysledok bol zaruceny....
...interier samotneho hotela je zaujimavy, ako farby tak aj materialy su volene velmi pekne a dobre, design je fascinujuci...
...v komplexe sa nachadzaju okrem hotela aj bar, restauracia, obchody...volny cas je tiez dobre zabezpeceny...turisti pri volbe pre tento komplex nebudu urcite sklamani :)
...japanese Suppose Design Office created absolutely amazing and interesting place from warehouse on the coast....it is hotel complex and it is really wonderful...
...hotel space is located in Japan and has nice position, the reconstruction was done by successful firm ...and the result is great....
...I love the interior of hotel, interior design is perfect, the colors and materials was chosen nicely :)
....we can find the bar, restaurant, shops and hotel in the complex and I believe that tourists will be very satisfied..... :)
Images via Dezeen
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