....medzi nove produkty od danskej spolocnosti Normann Copenhagen patria stolicky Form Rocking Chairs....
...zatial sa robia len na objednavku a cakat sa musi 12 14 tyzdnov, ale myslim, ze neskor, ked sa novucicky vyrobok zabehne, vobec nebude problem s cakanim :)
...mne osobne su vyrobky od Normann srdiecku velmi blizke a tato stolicka ma jednoducho '' dostala '' :)
...verim, ze v kazdom interieri sa musi vynimat uzasne :)
...Form Rocking Chairs are new products of danish brand Normann Copenhagen...
...expected production is possible only for order 12 - 14 weeks but I believe that later it won't be problem to buy this lovely product immediately...
....I love all products of Normann Copenhagen and when I saw this chair I fallen in love with it :)..
...Form Rocking chair has to be perfect in each interior...
Images via Normann Copenhagen, Google
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