...nove bistro Proti Proudu na Karline, v Prahe je viac ako zaujimave a design vysiel z dielne Mimosa architekti a Modulora...
...hlavnou a spolocnou temou je akoby "elektricke" spojenie, spojenie kavy a chutneho jedla...toto spojenie a tuto hlavnu tematiku vidime aj na stenach a vyznie to super :)
...materialy, ktore sa v interieri pouzili su kamen, drevo, preglejka....
new bistro Prouti Proudu in Karlin in Prague has lovely and interesting design which was created by Mimosa architekti and Modulora....
....main aim of this project was "electrical"connection between good coffee and delicious meals....this theme we see on the walls in whole space and it is nice idea :)...
...the materials in the interior are the stone, plywood, wood...
Images via contemporist
Photography BoysPlayNice
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