...tento svedsky byt patri ku tym zaujimavejsim, co sa tyka architektury, ale aj vyuzitia priestoru, ale podme pekne od zaciatku...
...obyvacia izba je mensia a prechodna, ale to v ziadnom pripade jej neubera na krasne, ba prave naopak...je tu velmi krasny nabytok, ktory pozdvihuje jej stylovost, sofa je vazne krasna...mna velmi zaujala susedna kuchyna, jednak kuchynska linka je uchvatna, no a za zmienku stoji aj okno, ktore je medzi obyvacou izbou a kuchynou, vazne pekny prvok v interieri...
no a samozrejme nesmiem vynechat ani spalnu, v ktorej je dominantna postel a ram zrkadla, moje srdiecko vsak neskutocne potesil iny uzasny kusok nabytku a to pisaci stol...ten je vazne krasny...:)
...this swedish apartment has nice architecture and spatial arrangement, let's go to see more....
...the living room is smaller but nice, we can see here lovely furniture which is great for whole stylishness of room...sofa is really great :)
...I love the kitchen where is fantastic kitchen unit and the window between room and kitchen, it looks great...
...and finally the bedroom :) ...this room is stunning with the bed and the frame of mirror which are perfect...but...and there is one thing which is sweet for me....it is red writing desk...it is absolutely but really absolutely fabulous thing :)...
Images via Erik Olsson
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