...je to dom, ktory sa nachadza v tichej stvrti Melbourne a zaujme svojou architekturou na prvy pohlad....a ani sa necudujem, pretoze pod navrh domu sa podpisala Alta Architecture, takze vysledok domu nemohol byt ani iny...
...interier v ziadnom pripade nezaostava za exterierom, dom posobi priestranne, ucelene a kazda jedna izba je stylova, utulna a elegantna, naozaj tu musi byt radost byvat :)
...this house is located in a quiet eastern suburb of Melbourne and is interesting thanks to lovely architecture...this lovely house is from Alta Architecture and it is clear that the result of his work is so wonderful...
...whole architecture is stunning as the exterior...I love it!!!! :)...
the house looks spacious with a lot of nice ideas and each room is stylish, cozy and elegant....
I believe it is nice place for living :)
Images via Home Dsgn
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