....je pravdou, ze Madrid ma uzasnu atmosferu s kaviarnami a restauraciami a jednou z nich je La China Mandarina na namesti de Cascorro...
...je to nadherne miesto, kde sa da najest od rana do vecera a nesie v sebe prijemnnu atmosferu aj vdaka ludom, ktori sa tu stretavaju, ale aj vdaka interieru....
...interier je zaujimavy a krasny pre svoju architekturu, povodne tehly, ci podlahu a nabytok....
...it is true that Madrid is nice and interesting with a lot of perfect cafes and restaurants and one of that is today's restaurant La China Mandarina in place de Cascorro...
...it is beautiful place where the clients and tourists can eat each time of the day...we can see nice atmosphere thanks to two aspects ...the people and interior...
...the interior is perfect for lovely architecture, bricks, floor and nice furniture...
Images via madriddifferente
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