...tento krasny design jednej PR agentury v Houstone ma na svedomi Mayfield and Ragni Studio a podarilo sa im vycarit neskutocne krasny interier...
...samozrejme je sa na co pozerat od podlahy az po strop, velmi dobre je vybrany nabytok, farby a osvetlenie...
...zvycajne mavam oblubene priestory alebo veci, co uprednostnujem, ale tu sa to jednoducho neda....fantasticke je absolutne vsetko :)
...this lovely atmosphere in these office's spaces was created by Mayfield and Ragni Studio for one PR agency in Houston and I have to say the spaces are unbelievable...
...of course, we can see great job from the floor to the ceiling, they chose nicely furniture, colors and lighting....
I do not know to choose favourite space, things or furniture from my side from one simple reason......absolutely all is stunning and I love it!!! :)
Images via Interior Design
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