....letne skandinavske domy su mojou srdcovou zalezitostou a tento je viac ako krasny...
...je zaujimavy svojou prijemnou atmosferou a verim, ze ludia sa tam musia citit len a len dobre :)
...dom je nadherne presvetleny a podlaha v celom dome je uchvatna....jednotlive izby maju svoje caro a mna jednoznacne dostala izba na prvom obrazku a potom kuchyna ...
...summer scandinavian house are my favourite and this one is special and wonderful...
..the house is interesting with whole atmosphere in each room and I believe that everyone has to feel nicely there...
...the house has nice light everywhere and the floor is fabulous...each room has own magic and I love so much the room on the first image and then the kitchen of course :)
Images via Skonahem
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