...tento uzasny svedsky byt puta pozornost hned od prvej fotografie...
...pôsobí veľmi elegantne a používa zaujímavé materiály ako tapeta, drevo, tehly...
...kuchyna je uchvatna, tam ma fascinuje jedalensky set a samozrejme dvere medzi obyvacou izbou a spalnou....radost pozerat :)
...veľmi sa mi páčia nápady v každej izbe, postery, geometrické tvary....je to fakt krásny, inspirujuci byt :)
...this amazing swedish flat is very nice and interesting from first to last image...:)
...it looks so elegant, it uses nice colors and materials as a wallpaper, wood, bricks...
I like so much the kitchen, I am fascinated with dining set and the door between the living corner and the bedroom :) ...it is fabulous...
...I adore so much all ideas in each room, the posters, geometric shapes...it is lovely and inspiring apartment...
Images via Alvhemmakleri
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