...tak takyto cool zaujimavy design ja naozaj mozem :)...uz len preto, ze interier vdaka podlahe a oblozeniu na stenach nenudi, je sviezi a dodava aj dobru naladu...
...samozrejme, ze tento bar si ma ziskal aj tym, ze tu mozeme najst modernu ciernu farbu, ale interier nie je vobec smutny, ba prave naopak, cely priestor je oziveny bielymi tehlami na stenach, dobrym vyberom osvetlenia a nabytku uz ani nehovoriac, je to parada....musim o tomto mieste povedat kamaratke, ktora sa prestahovala na rok do Mexika, nech tento bar navstivi :)
...I love this cool and fresh style, is interesting thanks to nice and perfect floor and wallcoverings, the space looks fresh and optimistic...
I like this bar also for modern black color, white bricks, perfect choice of lighting, colors and furniture as well....
...it is great bar...I have to say about that to my friend which moved to Mexico...she has to visit it :)
Images via Retail designblog
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