...tento krasny dom sa jednoducho neda obist...architekt Jarkko Kononen vsadil na velmi dobru kartu, ked vyuzil nadheru skandinavskej prirody a spojil ju s architektonickym skvostom....
...coraz viac budem obdivovat ako nadherne vedia Severania vyuzit denne svetlo, velke okna dodavaju celemu domu smrnc....
...interierovy design je krasny, dokonale vyuzitie dreva pre mna je fascinujuce a bledy nabytok dopomaha celkovemu svetlu v priestore....
this house is absolutely fantastic and has to be on my blog....architect Jarkko Kononen combined nicely scandinavian nature and architectural treasure....
....I adore one thing so much, Scandinavian people know really well used daylight in the interior, the house is chic thanks to big window...
...interior design is perferct, I love the woode and wooden furniture there and pale furniture helps to light in whole space....
images via sunhouse
architect Jarkko Kononen
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