Images via Bobedre
...tento dom nesklame ani po stranke architektury ani po stranke interieroveho desigmu...myslim, ze sa vsetci zhodneme na tom, ze jednoznacne patri ku skvostom...
...nadherne vyuziva priestor, svetlo, drevo a to ako v stavbe domu, tak aj v nabytku...Butterfly chairs rozhodne napomahaju celkovemu efektu...
...tento dom strhava na seba vsetku pozornost aj vdaka uzasnemu exterieru....terasa je fantasticka, pohodlna, dreveny stol ma doslova a do pismena dostal do kolien :)
...som velkym fanusikom prepojenia interieru s prirodou, ktore pekne mozeme vidiet v tam jednoducho radost oddychovat :)
...this house is perfect in architecture and in interior's design too...I think this house is a big treasure...
...the architects used nicely the light, space and wood in the structure of house and in the furniture too...Butterfly chairs are wonderful and thankful pieces, I adore it!...
...this house has stunning exterior...the terrace is fantastic and comfortable, the wooden big table is absolutely...WOW :)
...I love so much the connection of the nature and interior...we can see it in the bedroom in this case and it looks so perfect...I would like to relax there :)...
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